Anti-adblock - Recover your AdBlocked Revenue

300 Million people globally use some sort of ad blocking. Upto 30% of your website visitors are using Ad Blocking extensions.
Get Anti Blocked Code
Premium Demand
Some of the largest brands and networks are AdRecover demand partners.Similarly, Adblocked audience is also emerging as a premium audience. The combination of both the factors results in a strong CPM. Alternatively, display your directly sold or PMP ads too.
Pro-user Technology
AdRecover strictly adheres to very high UX standards ensuring that the ads are visitor-friendly and not obtrusive in anyway. We keep a constant check on the ad media, with a zero-tolerance policy.
Fast Integration
Start within 5 minutes by including a single line asynchronous tag in the global head tag of the website; AdRecover will help you measure and monetize ad impressions being lost to adblocking.
Compliance and Approval
Once the code is live on the publisher website, AdRecover's compliance team reviews the website for possible conflicts. The feedback is passed to the operations team to setup ad units and make the website go live.
A/B Testing
Since AdRecover's ad layouts are never hardcoded, we make it very easy for publishers to carry out A/B testing of ad layouts and ad unit setup on webpages. The testing can be done across devices. With this functionality publishers can ensure the perfect blend of UX and ad monetization for every adblock user.
Adding Demand
For further optimization, AdRecover provides publishers with multiple approved demand partners. In a matter of minutes a publisher can have several ad networks compete for their adblocked inventory.
User Experience
AdRecover captures some core User Experience metrics like Time-spent on page, Pageviews-per-session and Bounce rate, that can help publishers confidently measure if their ad layouts are compromising their audiences' UX or not. This data is also useful in helping publishers justify the need to monetize their adblocked inventory.
Install anti-adblock script in your website [Tutorials]
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